Monday, April 9, 2007


I have been doing a lot of thinking about genies and wishes the last few days, being as my wife and I have been studying the secret, “law of attraction?” and I have been wondering about those stories where people have actually been granted wishes, mostly the monkey’s paw, but also an episode of the x files where Molder comes across a real live genie, and some other genie stories where the wishes always get messed up. And I kept thinking that there was a lesson here some where, if I could just decipher it out. Life has a funny way of getting our attention, I was helping my wife clean the house, (I am aware that I may lose some credibility with some people with that statement, but yes I do help clean house from time to time, ‘after all it’s my vacuum’, but that’s a story for another time.) but while changing the vacuum bag, my thoughts were just wondering, when it hit me, most people don’t really know what they really want. So naturally they wouldn’t be very happy if their wishes where to be fulfilled instantaneously. Like the man on x files who used his last wish to become invisible, so he could escape from all the people who where coming after him because of his first two wishes, and was hit by the truck, Or the 12 inch pianist. You have to be clear and know what you really want. If you’re having trouble in your marriage would a bigger home or more money really solve anything? Think about it, and become really clear on what it would take to really make you happier.
I really hope I get some people reading this, and posting, If you had but one really true wish to be fulfilled right now, what would you wish for? looking forward to seeing what I get back.

About Me

Simple handsome man, who feels good when he can truly help others.